Economic policies will be especially important as the country seeks to continue its recovery from the lockdown. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, and thousands of businesses either closed for…
Election: Consider “What” Along With “Who”
First in a series. During the upcoming presidential election, many Americans will once again be voting against someone, rather than voting for someone — if they vote at all. Both…
Shutting Down the Economy
The out-of-control level of spending taking place to battle COVID-19 is much scarier when it’s coupled with the near shutdown of our economy. Shutting down the economy because of a…
Bernie Sanders: What about the Economy?
Part Three of a Three-Part Series. Joining Bloomberg with a man-bites-dog-like prediction about Bernie Sanders’ impact, The Independent recently quoted French economist Thomas Piketty as saying that socialism would be…
The Fed’s Fundamental Failure
We can debate how much impact massive Fed intervention had on the economy as it recovered from the Great Recession, but one thing that’s undebatable is that the Federal Reserve…
The Great Recession Still Having An Impact
Perhaps the most lasting impression of the Great Recession is that it made $1 trillion seem small. It seemed like a financial apocalypse, as the U.S. stock market lost half…
Addressing a Debt Crisis with More Debt
Last week, we discussed causes of the Great Recession. Today, we look at how it was addressed. The financial crisis was essentially a debt crisis. Mortgagees were unable to pay…
What Caused the Great Recession?
A decade after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, many are referring to this month as the 10th anniversary of the Great Recession. That’s a bit misleading, as the demise of…
Inverting Yield Curve May Be Sign of Coming Recession — But Maybe Not
When holding an investment long-term earns a lower return than holding the investment short-term, it’s not a good sign. An inverted yield curve, which is what happens when 10-year Treasuries…
How Tariffs Will Damage the Economy
In our last post, we explained why tariffs will likely have a negative impact on the steel industry, resulting in fewer exports. But there are many other reasons for opposing…